Best of 2017!

2017 has been such an amazing year for me. More change has occurred this past year than in any other year of my life. I wanted to do a post to highlight some of the best parts of 2017! I couldn’t begin to express how grateful I am for everything that has happened. Not only did a lot change in my surroundings and physical state, but a lot changed inside me as well… and it’s only the beginning.

So graduating college was a HUGE deal for me. Without sounding too negative, life was not so enjoyable for me while I was in college. I struggled a lot. I struggled with wanting to live a different life than the one I was “supposed” to be living. I struggled with the amount of work I piled on myself by signing up for too many classes. I did that trying to graduate faster haha… There were days I cried to my mom asking if I could dropout. There were days I wanted to just give up. There was a semester where I was working 40 hours a week and I was taking 6 online courses (bad idea, I don’t know what I was thinking) I realize looking back that I brought a lot of that upon myself, but more than anything, I wasn’t in the right mental state to be taking on all that I was. The fact that I made it to graduation is still in a lot of ways a miracle to me because there were many times I found myself scared that I would fail, that I wouldn’t hold out until the finish line. I eventually had to buckle down, forget any social-life I ever had, and just put 110% of myself into school. It wasn’t fun, but I did it and I did it well. I even got an A in Accounting! Out of all the hard lessons, the most important one I learned from all this is that you truly can do ANYTHING if you focus and really put your mind to it.

Next big thing… getting ENGAGED! This is definitely a spacial one. My high school sweetheart proposed to me and just like that another chapter of our lives began. He proposed to me on the tower we used to always hangout on when we were in high school and the very next day we were on the road to Houston to visit some friends for a weekend. It has been a marvelous time ever since 🙂 I feel incredibly luckily to have found a guy like Sean. He is sweet and fun and most importantly, treats me well. I love him to death and I’m excited for our future.

Getting my/our own place has been one of the BEST experiences. I’ve always been a very independent person, so this was very liberating. I soon discovered that being on my own, in a calming environment was key to my happiness. I felt a sense of ease that I had never felt before. I quickly began to realize that busy patterns gave me slight anxiety and I was able to change my living space into something that didn’t stress me out. Suddenly, I was a whole new person. I also love that Sean and I have similar tastes and decorating our place has been quite fun!

Family jet ski! My parents got a jet ski this past year and we have had a blast with it! Before they got it, I had actually never been on a jet ski in fresh water so that was nice. definitely a great idea.

We went on lots a little day trips/adventures with our little baby! We absolutely love doing things in nature and if you ask me, its good for the soul.

We relaxed and just enjoyed life as often as we could.

We got to visit Miami twice this past year and it would be an understatement to say I love it there. The second time we stayed with the Amezaga family and we went to Universal Studios which was SO FUN! We literally rode every ride in Universal and Islands of Adventure all in one day! I seriously love these people to freakin death. They are the cutest family that ever existed and I hope to have a family that is as close and sweet as they are.

The very next day after Universal Studios, we were on a flight bright and early to the Dominican Republic! This was the first time we had been out of the country so we were super excited! And man this place did not disappoint! The DR was absolutely gorgeous in every single way. I had never seen water that was more clear or warm. We spent most our days relaxing on the beach and actually swimming in the water… haha I say that because at Texas beaches you don’t actually want to swim in that. HUGE upgrade from that! The Dominican and the sweet people there definitely have a special place in my heart.

And of course, more adventures!

And then Christmas was great! Seans family came in from out of town and it was a blast as always.


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